
Monday, 15 June 2015

Apple: Enables Ad Blockers in Safari in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan

Apple Ad Blockers
We all know that when we surf the internet advertisements can become quite annoying, making the process not so pleasant. The solution to give the partially ad blockers, specially designed programs that filter out ads and do not show.

A corresponding movement seems to do and Apple, giving the option to use an ad blocker software on iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan. The new function will give instructions in Safari to block cookies, images, pop-ups and other sources during the tour. This option will be native to the devices of Apple, simplifying things.

The move may seem strange from a company that makes a profit from advertising. Advertisements But Apple's working through the applications in the form of a banner usually rather through Safari. So we will not say that beating herself with this move, but more Google and other major players.

Furthermore, recalling that Google with recent statements had not said that it is not opposed to such software.

1 comment:

  1. Wow all android phones are cool.
