
Thursday, 9 April 2015

Flashtool is the Ultimate Tool for Sony Xperia Device Owners

One of the biggest advantages acquired by the holder of a device of Sony, is the fact that many people deal with them and so there are many tools that will help him to save her if something goes wrong. As Samsung has the Odin and Heimdall, Sony has the Flashtool, a powerful tool with similar capabilities. His work Flashtool is basically install official firmware on devices of Sony, but has the potential to unlock the bootloader on devices that allow and do root. The files that need to be of the form Flashtool * .ftf (Flash Tool File) and can be removed from whole ROM to a kernel operates on Linux, Mac and Windows unlike Odin. In more detail and take them one by one, the most common way to do root in a Xperia device is through the installation of a rooted (or insecure) kernel. The kernel packed in files * .ftf which we will see later how easily be installed. As for unlocking the bootloader, can not do many things because the Sony devices have encrypted bootloader, but there is the official way. What is of value to the whole process is that Sony devices have a so-called "TA" partition containing all licenses for proprietary applications. Once you unlock the bootloader, the partition is deleted and so we can not now use these applications, so before doing anything we should do backup my TA partition. Third and best feature of Flashtool is to install the official firmware from Sony. We can help to return to official ROM, to correct our device from softbrick and do downgrade to an older version of Android because known upgrades Sony Xperia do crawl. So we will give an example of using Flashtool you would install an official firmware from Sony in a device with a locked bootloader.

What we need

Required for installation will attempt are:

the official firmware from Sony for our device, which you can find in many pages as in and

The process

Follow the procedure at your own risk!

After you install the Flashtool go to folder
  • "Firmwares" and delete everything.
  • Take the official firmware if it is compressed and decompress until you see the file with extension * .ftf.
  • Take the * .ftf file and store it in the folder "firmwares" of Flashtool.
  • Run the Flashtool, select the button with the thunder and then the "Flashmode".
  • We will display a new window to select the firmware you want to install, and if we only have a folder "firmwares" will show us just one.


So choose the firmware on the left, in the center we see the contents and on the right we check all options under the "Wipe".
In the "Exclude" tick "TA" if you do not want to midiagrafei the TA partition we said earlier in the "Misc" the "No Final Verification" and click "Flash".
The Flashtool will give us instructions on how to put our device in bootloader mode (by pressing the Back key or the Volume Down at the start) and will ask us to connect to our computer via USB.
Once done all this will start the installation which has just finished will make our device to reboot, meaning the end.

The same procedure applies to install any * .ftf file if you own Android device of Sony, you should at least know what it can do for you Flashtool. More information on the official page.

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