
Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Moto G (2014) First Getting Android Lollipop

Moto G (2014)

Finally it seems that Motorola is that first gave manufacturers the Android 5.0 Lollipop update while waiting for Google to be first or even the LG that a few days ago announced that it will give the update on LG G3 in the week. According to Ars Technica the unlocked Motorla Moto G (2014) upgraded to Lollipop.

The Ars Technica states that received the OTA update and the download is available in 386MB, leaving behind the Google Nexus 5 and Nexus 7, which is unusual as Google users take the first upadates. The Motorola wont leave the stock Android experience to the mobile when it is not surprising that brings so quickly update.

Android 5.0 Lollipop, started the upgrade for Nexus devices

Android 5.0 Lollipop

A few hours after Motorola announced that it gives Lollipop for Moto X Pure Edition and Motorola Moto G (2014), Google announced that it starts the upgrade of Nexus devices today. The Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 will start very soon to get Android 5.0 Lollipop over-the-air (OTA).

For anyone who does not want to wait can download the factory images from the Google Nexus site but for now the Nexus 4 is not factory image as the Nexus 7 2012 and 2013 (mobile versions).

To Android 5.0 Lollipop will bring a brand new look Material Design, better power saving features, improved notifications, is the biggest update that has been done for years.

Nexus 10 (codenamed «mantaray»)
Nexus 7 [2013] (Wi-Fi) (codenamed «razor»)
Nexus 7 [2012] (Wi-Fi) (codenamed «nakasi»)
Nexus 5 (codenamed «hammerhead»)

Tell us if you came the update, what device and what do you think?

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Leaked features of upcoming iPads

upcoming iPadsThіѕ year іѕ ѕtіll nоt оvеr and in the lаѕt ԛuаrtеr оf the lеаk оf uрсоmіng devices dо not еnd, іnѕtеаd multірlу and ѕо bеfоrе Apple оffісіаllу рrеѕеnt оur new mоdеlѕ іPаd and Mасѕ, given ѕоmе pictures оf the іPаd Air 2.'ll ѕее соurѕе thіѕ month press еvеnt, but thе journalist Mісhаеl Andrеw ѕауѕ іѕ in thе hаndѕ of ѕоmе fіrѕt іmаgеѕ. 

Aссоrdіng tо a nеw rероrt, Aррlе hаѕ аlrеаdу ѕtаrtеd mаѕѕ production of іPаd Aіr 2 thе design of which іѕ ѕаіd tо be аlmоѕt the same аѕ thе сurrеnt iPad Aіr but іѕ 0.5 mm thinner, kееріng the lіnеѕ of thе design оf thе nеw іPhоnе 6 . thеrеfоrе bе promoted mоrе аѕ thе thіnnеѕt tablet on the market. Whаt other сhаngеѕ wаѕ the new mоdеl? Rеdеѕіgnеd ѕреаkеr grіllе аnd thе оrdеr оf thеѕе speakers wіll bе at thе bоttоm and removed the keys аnd mute vibration ѕwіtсh. It іѕ assumed that the device will be released іn gоld соlоr. 

Will be improved аnd thе screen resolution, while раѕѕіng thе hаrdwаrе, thе second generation iPad Aіr unsurprisingly, wіll probably SoC Apple A8 wіth іnсrеаѕеd tіmіng іn CPU, 2 GB RAM іnѕtеаd оf 1GB which іѕ nоw rереаlеd аnd thе vеrѕіоn with thе 16 GB built-in mеmоrу, gо ѕtrаіght оn and fоllоw 32 GB 64 GB аnd thе 128 GB. The саmеrа оn thе back side is the 8 Mеgаріxеl front саmеrа wіll be a ѕmаll but still nоt HD ԛuаlіtу. Alѕо, thе dеvісе hаѕ the familiar Touch ID the hоmе button, аѕ well аѕ NFC support service with Apple Pау. 

That day Mісhаеl says that wе will see thе nеw mini іPаd Rеtіnа, smaller tаblеt that wіll bе аvаіlаblе in the version with 16 GB сарасіtу. Aѕ fоr the іPаd Prо, hаѕ not hеаrd аnуthіng, only ѕоmе gеnеrаl rumors. 

Unfоrtunаtеlу, thе соllесtіоn оf іmаgеѕ obtained bу the jоurnаlіѕt dіd not wаnt tо ѕhаrе wіth others, will ѕеttlе іn a single рhоtо lеаk рrесеdеѕ uѕ. 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Intel put 3D scanners in tablets and Smartphones in 2015

3D scanners
A lot of work and new ideas from Intel has been working for some time on developing a 3D scanner, which is due to the extremely small size can fit into any slim mobile device (tablet or smartphone). The primary goal of the company is ready to have this new technology and fully operational by 2015 and to transfer it to the tablets, the CEO of Intel, Brian Krzanich, within the institution MakerCon 2014 New York, indicate that the that technology will come to mobile phones. 

"We want to have a tablet out there that can buy anyone and to have this opportunity. Within two or three years, we hope to be able to put this feature in a smartphone », a part of what he said before the public, Mr.. Krzanich. 

The CEO of the company and some of his colleagues who make up the core planning team, I did a little demonstration of the technology, with one of his assistants to rotate a tablet around a man and this in turn to record and captures the screen in the official three-dimensional form. They pointed out that the three-dimensional models can then be easily processed through special software or sent directly to a 3D printer. The name is attributed to the implementation are «RealSense». 

The basic idea is to enable future users of this technology to capture anytime the 3D model they like. It is estimated that the tablets with integrated 3D scanners will reach the hands of consumers in the third or fourth quarter of 2015, with Intel while working on integrating 3D scanning cameras and drones. 

The predecessor of tablets with 3D scan mode was announced earlier this month, talking about the Dell Venue 8 7000 series Android tablet, which will be available by the end of this year.

9 Things you did not know that it makes the series Xperia Z3 awesome

Press Release: contactless payments 
The devices of Sony NFC had before even becoming popular. This means that you, and you can use your Xperia smartphone for payments, transfers or postcard entry with a single touch, as early as 2012 with the Xperia S. 

Improve sound settings for headphones Sony 
Ever noticed that every couple of acoustic sounds ... different? While each device series Xperia Z3 automatically recognizes the Sony headphones you use, now you can choose the exact type of headphones and enjoy your music specifically for this device. Simply click "Settings - Sound - Sound Settings - Hearing" for the best possible sound quality. 

Ability to pause during video recording 
Try the new pause function when recording a video, which allows you to "freeze" the record instead of the stop, only to capture the moments that you really want. Continue pulling exactly where you left off until you have finished your video and all the different clips captured will be stored one after another in the same file. 

Record everything you do on your mobile screen 
Always have the opportunity to take screenshot on your mobile screen since launch the Android. In turn Xperia Z3 we go one step further by adding the ability to shoot video than you do on the screen. The procedure is exactly the same and is ideal to show off certain functions of the device, save video games to play and so on. 

Faster settings 
Let's be honest - the settings are not like anyone. That is why we continually strive to make it easier and faster. The latest version of the Z3 series allows you to personalize your settings faster than ever. Just drag two fingers downward to display all settings, then easily drag & drop those that need or hold any icon to go to the detailed menu. 

Longer battery life of up to one week 
We said that the Xperia Z3 battery will last up to two days on a single charge. Activating the Battery STAMINA Mode will last even longer. And turning the Ultra STAMINA Mode (which limits a number of features of the device), we estimate that the battery will last more than a week on standby. 

Automatic screen rotation, depending on how you hold the device 
Does this sound normal? The smart screen rotation automatically determines when the monitor should be rotated depending on how you hold the device. So, to prevent unwanted rotation, such as when you lie down on the couch to surf the internet. 

More functions in a single motion 
Tap twice your finger on the screen to activate the device and restore operations have been suspended. Tap Xperia Z3 or Xperia Z3 Compact with the screen down to sigiste an incoming call or bring it close to your ear to answer automatically. The smart backlight control keeps the screen bright as long as you keep your Xperia up to you, as when you look at a picture without touching the screen. When you release the device screen turns off automatically (according to your personal power saving settings). 

Unlock the SmartWear or any accessories Sony Bluetooth 
Use any of the products SmartWear Sony; The Z3 automatically unlock your device if you choose, or whenever a SmartBand SmartBand Talk are within walking distance as well as any other regional or Bluetooth headset from Sony. Simply click "Settings - Security - Lock Screen - Unlock Bluetooth», select the desired device, and press "Continue". Then press the power button and the device will unlock automatically when the selected accessories located.

UMI Zero with flash charging technology (rumor)

UMI Zero
With rumors gigantic approaching the October, when - according to the latest information; will see it officially announced the UMI Zero has already managed to gain the interest of many Android enthusiasts and the value for money devices from the East . In case you do not remember, information from China, want the device is a dual SIM killer Android with "strong" pricing, very limited thickness, Super AMOLED screen technology with full HD resolution (1920x1080p) manufactured by Samsung, while - if the same rumors are valid course-will have 2 GB RAM memory and 16GB ROM, even without knowing anything about card slot microSD. 

Last week, the same rumors like the UMI Zero have «superbody» construction with Corning Gorilla Glass III coating on both sides of (!), Ie the screen and the back side (which is now constructed entirely glass), a feature that so far we have only met the Huawei Ascend P7 and Oppo R1! 

Few had heard the battery autonomy of the device, especially from the time that the thickness is less than 7 mm. Latest information from the other side of the world, they want the device has a Li-Ion 2780 mAh battery and revolutionary technology based on flash (quick) charge of Texas Instruments, which allows to fully charge the device (from 1% up to 100%) in only 56 minutes! It is a technology similar to VOOC Rapid charger the Oppo, as you can understand, therefore remains to be seen how effective it will be in daily use conditions. 
This Android has spurred several heads, so we'll come soon with any new news on this. 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The best applications for iPhone 6

applications for iPhone 6

As already anticipated iPhone 6 appeared and thanked the fans, the Business Insider in an attempt to please them even more, did research and lists the best apps, which could not be missing from neapoktithen mobile. 
These are the top 5 apps for iPhone 6 

1. iMovie 
By applying iMovie, users can edit the entire video, or add special effects, such as filters, titles and soundtrack. The price amounts to $ 4.99. 

2. Asphalt 8 
For lovers of speed ... the application "Asphalt 8" is what you need! Complimentary. 

3. Epic Zen Garden 
The Apple introduced the "EpicZenGarden" last June to show what he can do new iOS8. Complimentary. 

4. Litely 
The application Litely will convert your photos to ... artwork. Complimentary. 

5. Plunder Pirates 
Created by the same studio who "gave birth" to the AngryBirds. The application PlunderPirates allows users to create their own three-dimensional island and fight other pirate ships. Complimentary.

Monday, 22 September 2014

One of the new features in Android L will be automatically encrypt data

Android L
Following revelations on electronic intercepts the NSA, is a natural and next to no longer have confidence in our portable devices, or at least treat them with suspicion. The Google company as a literal data management is always the first accused (not without a lot of times) in these cases the shot to catch everything and Android. Stays close to the situation then, Google announced today that the upcoming version of Android L will encrypt out-of-the-box data of our device, to avoid not only watch but also phenomena such as Heartbleed. Aside from the obvious increase in operating safety, this is a smart move on the part of the company, mainly because in any request for waiver of confidentiality by agencies of the state, will not be able to give them our data, as well as the unique decryption key will be located in our device. Locks that substance and herself from the outside. This option already exists in the security settings of Android, but the Android L will necessarily activated when you first set up the device. But the question is: "Since Google has already made its debt to us by adding this option to Android, because it should be enforced?" There has certainly become clear during the set-up if you choose "Yes" or "No" or simply informs us that encryption is mandatory, but it is an arrangement that will both help to increase the security of Android, but the other may create problems for power user who frequently change custom ROM.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Meizu MX3 Review

Can we Chinese smartphone inferior than those officially coming to Europe, but few models exist to refute us. The Meizu MX3 is not just one of them, but perhaps the ultimate example of exceptional design combined with quality features, from China last year. 

The characteristics of the MX3 is not anything terrible, firstly because it is a last device, and secondly because we see things and miracles this year from other manufacturers. It has to be said that has given special attention to the most important gadgets of the Exynos processor built Samsung, which is the same as the Galaxy S4 I9500 and the camera which is built Sony. So at least we know that apart from the appearance, there is a serious "engine" that drives the smartphone and we will not leave us in the middle of the street. 

Processor: Oktapyrinos Samsung Exynos 5410 @ 1.6GHz A15 & 1.2GHz A7 
GPU: PowerVR SGX544MP3 
Memory: 2GB RAM - 16/32/64 / 128GB storage 
Display: IPS 5.1 "@ 1080 x 1800p (412ppi) 
Camera: Rear 8MP with LED flash, 2MP front 
Connectivity: 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS (GLONASS), NFC, microUSB (MHL, OTG) 
Battery: 2400mAh 
Dimensions: 139 x 71.9 x 9.1mm - 143g 
Operating System: Android 4.4.4 (Flyme 3.0) 

Summary Characteristics but not the most important advantage, in terms of appearance as well give change. It is a very nice phone, for that matter, much like the iPhone 3GS. It is quite lightweight, yet rugged, no corners so they can grab is pleasant to the touch, while the rounded back of the joy of rest. Most importantly of all though is the fact that it gives you the feeling that it is one piece, no matter if the back cover is detached and in no case resembles ftiniariko. We saw other smartphone with glossy (shiny) back, for example Xiaomi Redmi Note, but did not have the quality of MX3. Great idea is also touch key on the front which can lock and unlock the screen with a touch, avoiding rubbing the button Power. Those who have iPhone which has spoiled the Power or Home button I think I understand how important it is that touchpoint. 

The software now have the custom ROM called the Meizu Flyme OS. This is a clean, convenient and above all beautiful ROM which resembles the iOS but not as much as the MIUI. A key feature is the smartbar at the bottom, which is actually the navigation bar of the stock Android, except that upon the various buttons appear, depending on the application you have open. Actual "smart" bar! Where we have opened one full screen application, like YouTube for example, smartbar disappears and use the main function key to get out of this by pressing once to return to the home screen or dragging it up if we want to take a step back. 

And the top bar, however, doing the tricks as well if you hold the device in landscape and we have an open browser, for example, we can go back by pressing the left top corner to display the browser menu by pressing the right (where the clock is ). Smart little things that make the difference. 

Another clever feature of the integrated way to do root! Just go to device settings, choose "Open system privileges >>  "Accept" thats it! Easy, quick and something that should be there for years to Android. Finally there is an easier way to do a manual update on the MX3. Download the package, you get into recovery and choose the flashes and you press "OK" in the window that will show you! TPO-TO-PC !!! 

And he talked about the upgrades MX3 started with version 4.2.2 Jellybean today wears 4.4.4 KitKat, via a beta channel which is updated every week, for about two months. Regardless whether recently announced the MX4, there are no announcements for stopping upgrades MX3 but which I do not think to go to Android L.

What we did not like? 
It may be that more overall quality we have seen so far from China, but that does not mean it is perfect. First the processor which is quad on paper, but the four cores "sleep" permanently. According to Meizu, we are awaiting an update from Samsung which will unlock and the other four cores, so you will see fallen stats to benchmark. 

The battery is also a controversial situation as with some of the frequent updates kept us a half day, but others xeligonontan until evening. You might blame the beta channel update, I do not know. Finally the camera which may have a lot of quality lens and sees several good photos that attitude, but the lack of auto focus in the video is less irritating. Nice HDR, nice burst mode but Hey Meizu ... auto focus. The conclusion that I could not fit more words about the pluses and minuses of. It is a very high quality construction with advanced software that just needs some little job yet. What we have is the model of 16GB, which is brought before 5-6 months from China to 300 euro and now you can even find them at $ 260 (about 210 euros). It's a good case that deserves to keep in mind while you hear that starts and the movement in Greece. Come and see. However, if you decide you will find everything in the forum Meizu fans.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Looking for free and Offline GPS navigation on Android; Try NavFree


Once appeared in Android and really broke buying GPS devices, as there was no longer any reason for its existence, constantly looking for the best solution at the software now. Can we have the excellent Google Maps, but what I really want is a free application that works without internet connection. 

The NavFree is one such application that is as smart screen, and does all that interest. Uses based maps of Open Street Map, a service which operates under the license Creative Commons, one of the freest license circulating software. On this team NavFree built the navigation service, which has the following useful features: 
  • Full navigation system with voice 
  • Beautiful high-resolution maps, 
  • Quick route calculation with automatic recalculation if we lose our way, 
  • Running gait when walking, 
  • Address search with or without an Internet connection. 
  • Landmarks using the Foursquare ... 

and ... all these (except Foursquare) without the requirement of Internet connection! 

Can be freely available but there are some services that are paid and include traffic updates, voices surnames, security cameras on the street, integrated Google street view and more. 

So it is relatively complete, is free and is probably the best solution for the economy, especially if you take a trip abroad and need a map. The maps of Open Street Map have small mistakes but we can login to the official page and correct, helping to develop the service. 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

HTC Eye Leaked raw information (Rumors)


A few days ago, we learned that HTC is preparing a mysterious event on October 8. In this event seems about to present a new selfie device called HTC Eye. Now we come to light new information about this smartphone, known byupleaks.

According to the leaker, the company's upcoming smartphone will have a 5.2-inch diagonal display with a resolution of 1080p. This means that the pixel per inch will reach 423 For the position of SoC, seems to be predominant at 801 with the Qualcomm Krait 400 quad-core processor and Adreno 330 GPU.

At present these are the only information we have, but certainly until the day of the presentation, will be released and others, both on the characteristics of, and for displaying.

Practical Tips: Preparing the device for receiving the iOS 8

iOS 8

The iOS 8 is just around the corner, with the widespread availability has been officially announced on September 17. So it is a good time to prepare our devices for big update for the iPhone, the iPad and the iPod touch. Before we proceed to the transition to the redesigned new operating system, you need to check the compatibility and do a cleanup and to our iOS device. Here we present six steps ca preparation reception iOS 8, we consider necessary and would suggest to follow religiously. 

Check the compatibility of your devices 

The list below does not seem to have changed since the first release of the new operating system. So make sure that if you hold the device included in the list below. Specifically iOS 8 is compatible with the following devices: 

iPhone 4s, 5, 5c, 5S, 6 and 6Plus 
iPad 2,3,4, Air, iPad mini & mini 2 
iPod touch 5th gen 

Something to note here. That is the older model iPhones and iPads compatible as anaferentai list does not mean that it is necessary to upgrade now. Friendly advice from our experience, one such upgrade would be good owners of older models, waiting for the next version (8.0.1 or 8.0.2) which will solve problems and speed display. This may not apply to iOS 8, but it is good to raise. 

You have already beta version of iOS 8 

Polloi you may have installed some of the demos (formally or informally). You should know that all trial versions expire. Once the trial expires the phone becomes inoperable. You either have to downgrade the version (downgrade), or to upgrade to the final test GM. 

Both options are easy to measure. In the first one, put your device in DFU Mode and then select restore from iTunes, while the second will have to search for the final test in the known - unknown points. We can not report on that. Not available OTA as previous demos. 

Scrub iOS applications 

Not to be claimed, it would be such magor updates, and satisfy one given the opportunity to do a cleanup and applications that we have in our device. I think it's understandable. Remove applications from both the iPhone and the iPad which is not in use, freeing up considerable space on your device and arrange the rest, is a chance! There is no risk of loss because all the applications that you have purchased, you can re-download at any time without the need to physically xanaplirosete. 

Copying Photos and Video on your PC 

These days most of us use the iPhone as your primary camera and video camera. This means that many memories of our trips or moments are there and of course we would not want to miss. The Photostream for many is a misunderstood service and also keeps only the last 1000 photos. In this service hitherto supported video. 

The best thing to do is to copy it to your computer, and Video as many photos you want to save, whether you have Mac or windows. Alternate you can use services like Dropbox or Cloud where it is necessary to use a computer. 

Double backup on iTunes and iCloud 

I recommend you keep double Backup as minimize the chance of losing your data. Make a Local Backup to iTunes and a Backup to iCloud, if you want to remove your device for any reason. The Backup devices are very easy on any Apple device. 

Backup in iTunes: Connect your device to the computer> select in iTunes> click "Back Up Now" 
Backup to iCloud: go Settings> iCloud> Storage and copies> "Copy iCloud" 

Always keep backup before doing any update on your device. It is particularly important, especially for large upgrades such as iOS 8. 

Update and Install iOS 8 

You are now ready and willing to proceed with the upgrade to the iOS operating system iOS 8. The installation process is now very simple via OTA as usual and will be widely available on September 17th ie tomorrow. On the other hand if you are a developer you can install the final trial GM from Apple. Now if you are impatient there is another method by making clean install now, but do not recommend the longer expect tomorrow as official. Anyway wish you great enjoyment as the iOS 8 is expected to bring many new features to our devices.

Apple Officially announced final version of iOS8 available for the general public

Apple iOS8 Final version of iOS 8 is available today, the main annual upgrade of the younger generation mobile operating system from Apple. The iOS 8 is definitely the most important update of the year from the last fully redesigned version of iOS 7 exactly one year ago. 

Some of the key features of the upcoming release are photos, Messages, smart keyboards, the Family Sharing, the new design, the iCloud Drive, the new application preinstalled Health, function and Handoff Continuity. In new chaktiristika can prosthetsete the hotspot between devices when there is no possibility of Wi-Fi, the renewed Spotlight newcomer and other features. 

There are some defterefnta which had not been mentioned in the presentation as battery usage per application, pans on iPad, Safari private browsing tab at the newcomer and application tips. 

Significant improvement for Greeks accepted the Siri as the upcoming version will fully support the Greek language in the dictation. This means that very soon it seems that Apple's virtual assistant will speak our language. Another feature that we found is the inclusion of the song recognition service Shazam, which has the ability to recognize a song from the sound to the environment that you are giving you the opportunity to buy it from iTunes. And of course we do not stop here. 

Drivers who use virtual assistant during the driver was forced to supply even for a little attention in order to activate Siri. Now you can enable it with a phrase, ala "Ok Google", saying "Hey Siri". This means that your device always expects ts commands, but do not know if this charge and the battery life. 

Sure is a surprising tool for times when one is not able to touch the device. Important here to emphasize that the device should be connected source. Besides the Greek supplement that recognizes the Siri dictation from a total of 24 languages ​​and 22 has voice recognition. 

Devices that support the operating system iOS 8:
Apple iOS8
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5c /5S
  • iPhone 6 / 6Plus
  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3rd generation
  • iPad Mini with Retina Display
  • iPad Air
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad 4th Generation
  • iPod 

Like all upgrades can be downloaded OTA (Over thw Air) or by connecting your device to iTunes and clicking Update. We in any case recommend to do a clean install and so on the eve of the user posting the presentation upgrading the basic preparation steps

Last advice before installation, be patient as quick to upgrade millions of users simultaneously.

Sony the inability to sell the smartphones costing 1.7 billion. dollars

The Sony has revised its forecast for annual profit once again from July that he had done before. This time adds additional losses of 1.7 billion dollars which such notes from the Sony Mobile Communications where he admits that he had overestimated sales in smartphones and tablets. 

Therefore, following the revision of the estimates Sony expects total losses of 2.1 billion dollars for the fiscal year ending March 2015. 

The reports that Sony has revised the damage and will offer new strategies in order to reduce as much as possible the risk and volatility and bring more stable earnings. Thus, it intends to focus more on premium devices-they will probably reduce the entry-level and mid-range devices. The category of financial devices the Sony (along with Samsung) faces stiff competition from Chinese manufacturers and even devices like Motorola Moto G. 

Recently renewed its flagship launching the new Sony Xperia Z3 which are waiting to see whether it would help.

Oppo N3 new leaked photo showing a different design

Oppo N3On Monday we saw some leaked renders of the upcoming Oppo N3 which seemed strange rotating camera with a cylindrical shape. However, today released a new picture of the device showing a different design at the rear, with the cylindrical cam to be removed.

The new picture looks more like the Oppo N1. The camera is still rotating but has flat design and corners of the device is slightly rounded. At present we can not be sure how it is ultimately the new Oppo N3, but to say that on October 15 has scheduled press event in Singapore which will probably see it presented officially.

Previous leak
Oppo N3

Here comes the Nexus 6 and upgraded Nexus 5

You do not need any more evidence to be convinced that the Nexus 6 smartphone is beginning to show on the horizon, since the information is constantly enriched. Still, a Canadian telecommunications company when asked why the Nexus 5 is no longer in their support page, they said that most of this model does not have stock and have withdrawn from their stores, so visitors will not find it available for sale. 

Indeed the Wind Mobile in reply to a customer through Twitter said that not many available pieces of Nexus 5 and stated that it no longer produced. Marching for this fall, Google may be preparing the arrival of the new Nexus 6 on the international market and has probably "kill" the existing Nexus smartphone to prepare the ground on the new model. To upcoming Nexus will be built by Motorola on behalf of Google and the code name is Shamu. 

The Wind has said it will last as long as this situation on depletion nor said if the production of particular mobile is finally finished. For obvious reasons, the conversation has been deleted, but that is far above the posted screenshot to prove that all these have been said. 

Whether the Google intends to downgrade the previous flagship not know, however, anyone who wants to acquire the Nexus 5 let's do it now simply because later you might be left by the wayside.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 : Top performance of QHD AMOLED Display

Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Some people might panic with so many different smartphone circulating out there on the market today and most of them are trying to find something special that meets their needs in order to make easier the choice. One of the many searching every consumer is a smartphone with a very good display legibility. Well, according to DisplayMate screen seems better to have the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4, as he excelled in the tests. 

Specifically, the DisplayMate considers that the screen Galaxy Note 4 has better performance than any other display panel we have encountered so far and argues that in recent years, having examined in detail each screen of each new flagship of Samsung, led to the final conclusion that indeed each new release of South Korean device bears an improved imaging technology. 

It has already been reported by the same screen that Note 4 is much improved compared with that of the Galaxy Note 3 and with even higher fidelity and image of the Galaxy S5. From the individual tests, they found that it is extremely fast, very light with absolute accuracy in color and high energy efficiency. 

Moreover, the DisplayMate praises because Samsung offers its users the option to switch colors depending on the content you see every time on their mobile, a smart feature that is not found in other competitive devices. 

Do you think the screen Note 4 is truly irresistible or you know of a device with a higher screen resolution?

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Nokia Presented Selfie Phones Lumia 735 & 730

Lumia 735 & 730

Fashion is fashion and Microsoft could not follow it. Presented thus in turn the Lumia 735 and 730, for "perfect selfies». 

The only difference between the two models is that the 735 supports LTE networks, while the 730 is dual-SIM and supports networks up to 3G. 

The presentation of the devices starting with the Samsung criticizing the notorious selfie the Oscars, as they were good quality. The Microsoft, the Lumia 730 and 735 gives a solution to this problem, both thanks to the hardware, and software used. 

Lumia 735 & 730The technical characteristics, we find two models with 4.7-inch screen and resolution 1280 x 720. Over the SoC Snapdragon 400 of the quad-core Qualcomm processor is clocked at 1,2 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 8 GB of storage, expandable with microSD card . About the cameras, which is the strong point of these devices, the back has a sensor resolution 6,7 Megapixel, ZEISS lens and LED flash, while the front features a wide-angle lens with a 5 Megapixel sensor resolution and bright aperture f / 1,9 . The battery is removable total load 2200 mAh. Both models will be running the latest update of Windows Phone 8.1, Lumia Denim, while starting from the Lumia 730, all new Lumia devices will come to offer free calls to Skype for three months. 

Prices before tax is 199 euros for the Lumia 730 and 219 euros for the Lumia 735.

Nokia Lumia 830, an "Economic Flagship"

Nokia Lumia 830
The Lumia 830 presented including the Microsoft, the world's first Lumia event made​​. The new smartphone, characterized by the American company 'economic flagship ", it combines high-end features at an affordable price.

It is the sequel to the Lumia 820 combines "the best of the Lumia and the latest technology of Microsoft». It is very thin, with a thickness of 8.5 mm and 'convenient pocket "as written in the presentation. The screen is 5 inches and resolution 1280 x 720 pixels, technology ClearBlack IPS. Features PureView camera with sensor resolution 10 Megapixel, Zeiss lens and optical stabilizer. The front camera has 1 Megapixel sensor resolution and has the ability to record video resolution 720p. In other specifications, will bring with quad SoC Snapdragon processor clocked at 1,2 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 16 GB of internal storage, expandable with microSD card. The battery is removable and high capacity 2200mAh. 

In terms of software comes with Windows 8.1, and even with the latest version, Lumia Denim embedded MS Office. In this device, Microsoft has focused on photography skills, especially compared with Google's camera iPhone 5S. 

Will it remove the Nokia brand to the next WP devices

Nokia next WP devices
Acquiring section devices and services Nokia, Microsoft plans to implement new changes as the brand for the next device, which of course is not surprising, new owner, new name. 

This will not take long to happen, as the software giant so far retained the brand of Nokia and Nokia Lumia 830 and Nokia Lumia 730 which occurred only last week. However, a rumor claims that this will be the last two smartphones that will be written on the name of the Finnish Nokia, later this trade mark would be "lost". According to the leaked document from within, from the festive season and the campaign will take place then, the Nokia name will disappear. Not likely to happen, however, the same with the brand Lumia, which indeed will remain unchanged. 

Deal of particular interest last July when an informal photograph Lumia 830 saw the back of the phone as the logo «Nokia By Microsoft», but the normal name is Nokia. Maybe it was a strategic move for Microsoft is suggesting that a significant change. So very likely to see new Microsoft Mobile devices to be called plain or Microsoft Lumia Lumia. 

Similar plans for renaming seems to have Microsoft and named Windows Phone, which wants to remove entirely the word Phone. So the mobile operating system called Microsoft Windows, as well as the desktop OS. 

Reasonable to prefer a common name, since Microsoft expressed long ago its intention to join the two operating systems, so you need to have a common name to not distinguish between them. 

Update: And while we were talking yesterday about Microsoft's plans to wipe the Finnish brand Nokia the upcoming device and the word Phone from Windows Phone, you can show this information be confirmed as leaked photos showing the front panel of a device that bears the brand of Microsoft. 

The photographs come from the French site NowwhereElse if the look closely we see a great device with very thin margins around the screen, it may be the next flagship Microsoft or it could also be the descendant of Lumia Icon / Lumia 930. True or misleading the images above? I did not know at the moment, so we suggest be wary.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Apple ecosystem : The Apple soon will manage every aspect of our lives

Apple iPhone ecosystem
The most important thing presented by Apple last Tuesday, is one of the products received. The most important is the way that all the products of Apple or third-party applications now work together. It's like a huge omnipresent computer that is beside us then. The interface is the world we live. 

"The product is not only a collection of features," said Tim Cook announcing the new iPhone, concluding that "it is how we all work together," 

and this is true for the line of Apple products and the user experience. The Communications Tuesday revealed the ambition to integrate Apple devices in the lifestyle. A computer everywhere. With the new iPhones, Apple Watch, HomeKit, HomeKit, HealthKit, iBeacon, Apple Pay even with CarPlay, the Apple building a world in which a computer will interact with us either sleep or be active. A computer in your pocket. A computer in our body. 

A computer that pays for all of our markets. A computer that opens the door of a room in hotel hospitality. A computer that monitors our movements as we walk in a mall. A computer monitor our sleep. A computer controls the devices in our home. A computer tells us to park our car. A computer that receives heart rate tells us how many steps we've done and what elevation we climb, how many calories burned, allowing us all these facts to share with your friends. A computer in our car. All on the same computer. 

Apple iPhone ecosystemThe computer is connected to the "sky", our pocket, wrist our homes and our cars, our office, our home. This is the new ecosystem of Apple. Trying to transform our world as one big system. You wake with opening lights Hue, which come to life thanks to the application based on HomeKit of Apple, which gives a mandate to the Honeywell thermostat to regulate the temperature of the room. Looking for a quick breakfast and ready to run. The Apple Watch will record how far and how fast you run, check your heart rate and calculates calories burned. Knows where you went, how many hills we climbed calculates and sets individual goals based on your abilities. 

Returning home, you can choose to watch a pod cast morning news from iTunes, which is transmitted by the hardware Sonos you have installed in your home. As you walk from room to room, the service iBeacons follows you like the sound. At the time you call from work, the ringtone through the Wi-Fi network goes to the speakers. As you walk to your car call continues uninterrupted through LTE. Turn the key and suddenly the call is transferred to the car speakers. The podcast continues where it left off. Away from home off the lights and closes the thermostat. 

On the way to work you notice that you have a wound from a morning run. Ask Siri for the nearest pharmacy and this leads to a nearby Walgreens, to get an antibiotic. Using Apple Watch you can repay intact and Apple Pay to charge your credit card. Then ask the Siri taflandeziko for a good restaurant near the office. You can make reservations through OpenTable application with Apple Watch, (using the same application fee to pay for dinner). 

Arriving at your desk clock displays your note with the available parking to park your car. You can go out and take a deep breath. The pulse is recorded as you can see on your watch waiting from work today. All health data is recorded and sent to HealthKit. H is 8 hours. 

Sensors encompass the world around us. He is with us everywhere. They control us instead of our bodies our homes, devices can communicate with each other with new methods never hitherto been possible. This is exactly the Tim Cook said that now all work together. Is the entire product line now works coordinated. The Apple ecosystem is like a spider web. The more you try to interact with him, the more trapped. Fortunately this is a very beautiful trap. Do you agree?

Samsung Galaxy Alpha : First Samsung Handset with Metallic Frame

Samsung Galaxy Alpha

Over time the number of questions "fell" for how rain will eventually cost the new Samsung Galaxy Alpha detached first Samsung handset with metallic frame- information that was here two days and started the global circulation making authority in England and Russia and then into other markets. As we know, this is not an affordable smartphone and the device is detected in the UK at a price of 549 pounds, about 690 euros, which is 30 pounds cheaper than the Galaxy S5

The Galaxy Alpha considered as possible "weapon" of Samsung to stand up against the main enemy, the iPhone 6 inch 4.7 which will be released September 19. The Galaxy Alpha is slightly smaller and thinner than the iPhone 6 (6,7 χιλιοστά versus 6.9 mm) and features a 4.7-inch screen this analysis and 720x1280 pixel. Other features include a fingerprint scanner, digital camera main of 13 Megapixels, heartbeat sensor, SoC Exynos 5 5430 with octa-core processor, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB internal memory and battery 1860 mAh. 

In the past week, Samsung has officially confirmed that the Galaxy Alpha will be ready for sale in Canada on September 26. In the United States, is rumored to be released through the network AT & T and T-Mobile.

In an iPad screen 12.9 inch option for split-screen multitasking would certainly very useful application:

iPad split-screen multitasking

According to a report of 9to5Mac relied on reliable sources, Apple is expected to add to iOS 8 the possibility of split-screen multitasking sto iPad. 

This feature provides users with the ability to split the screen in twoand the simultaneous use of two different applications on each half of the screenan element missing from the iPad and competition made ​​sure to emphasize acomparative advantage in many of the advertising campaigns. 

Not concomitant use two applications, the new feature rumored will allow easysharing of data (text, links, images and videosbetween two open applicationswith drag-and-drop. 
To split-screen multitasking supported only in landscape mode and will beavailable with iOS 8 only the iPad and not the iPad mini (whether to addfunctionality later in the iPad mini is currently uncertain according to the report).

Gionee Elife S5.1: It's as thin as a pencil!

The Gionee presented the newest Android smartphone, the Gionne Elife S5.1, managing to surpass itself, achieving the most unlikely, to further reduce the thickness of the successor Elife S5.5 with the new model reaches 5.15 mm, ultra-thin as a pencil! Only the sides at the top and bottom is slightly wider, because we must integrate and sockets for headphones and micro-USB. The exact dimensions of Elife S5.1 is 139.8x67.4x5.15 mm. 

Besides the modern design with ultra-slim chassis, the Gionee Elife S5.1 is not only beautiful but is also good in terms of technical features including: AMOLED screen of 4.8 inch 720p resolution and pixels density at 306ppi, battery 2100mAh, quad processor at 1GHz Snapdragon 400 with RAM 1GB. The sensor of the main camera located on the back of the phone can take pictures resolution 8MP, while the front is highly efficient for lovers of photography selfie with the sensor "counts" 5MR. The storage space of 16GB and is to be able to expand it through microSD. The operating system is Android 4.3 UI with the Gionee called Amigo 2.0. 

To Elife S5.1 will be sold this month in China with a price has not been disclosed. However, please take a look and marvel at the photo gallery below.

Worth the owner of iPad mini to buy the new iPhone 6 Plus

new iPhone 6 Plus;

The small tablet of Apple screen at 7.9 inches, appeared in 2012 to fill the gap between the iPhone 5 4-inch and the 9.7-inch iPad.

This was a logical move in terms of Apple, which remained stagnant at options for the screen size of the iPhone and iPad, but the success of the Nexus 7 on 7 inches, made ​​her appearance on the market the iPad mini.

However, the iPhone 6 Plus is a modern brand new device from Apple, with only 2.7 inches smaller screen than the iPad mini.

It is worth today to buy the iPad mini; Should the Apple to gradually withdraw from the market?

Already rumors of the next iPad speak for the 12.9 inch screen, delighting fans of Apple, claiming the company bigger screens.

The market has shown that prefers smartphones with screens from 5-6 inches and the iPhone 6 Plus is exactly what consumers demand, in terms of dimensions.

Most companies are gradually leaving the 7 inch tablets, offering solutions to 8 inches and larger, while the example of Samsung with the commercially successful series, Note, shows the way for devices up to 6 inches and greater than 8 inches.

But what about those who have already purchased the iPad mini; They probably have no reason to buy the iPhone 6 Plus. The 7.9 inch screen is satisfactory for all applications that may be requested by the user and the iPad mini looks great, and considering the size of the offering increased 9.7" iPad comparison.

The iPad mini as all shows will continue to be in the range of tablets Apple, as we continue to have the Samsung and LG tablets 8 inches, which have proven successful.

Consumers want a device of an appropriate size for portability and enough screen to enjoy video, music and browsing the Internet, along with performance for games, and the 7.9 inch iPad mini, look great.

If the user of the iPad mini wants to buy a new iPhone, then the iPhone 6 4.7 inch will cover.

Friday, 12 September 2014

Google Play Store: New Refund Policy within two hours of purchase Applications

Google Play Store

A major headache for many guests Play Store just ended, as Google has finally decided to increase the time limit reimbursement for purchases of games and applications in two hours. It is a longstanding demand of the users who in many cases were unable to try a paid application in 15 minutes which was the previous limit. Think for example of Gameloft games that needs many times to download up to 3GB file to play, which of course is not a quarter. So two hours is simply too long to try a comfortable application but in many cases you can enjoy and finish a game, for which later will get your money back! This of course applies to paid applications and not for free that have payments inside. So we see that after the gift card, the Google Play becomes more friendly towards us. Happy shopping (and returns)!

Google Play Store Refund

Thursday, 11 September 2014

The Launcher of Sony Xperia Z3 available for all devices with Android 4.2+

Sony Xperia Z3

Immediately after the announcement of each new device, the first thing that interested users of older Android devices is the system dump. Since this will be able to extract and install many new applications, wallpaper and anything else will give them the illusion upgrade! The same is happening these days with the brand new Xperia Z3, which the launcher is now available for all devices with Android 4.2+, regardless of whether or not Sony build. The master ... from XDA also trying to do backport and earlier versions Android, and informs us that not even need to have done to root our device to use it. The install like any other application outside the Play Store, but may not work if a widget does not enter the space system. 
You'll find the thread at XDA

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The Android Wear Smartwatches upgraded 4.4 (Build KGW42N)

The wearable SmartWatches and in general, it seems that we will use more and more next time. 

 Android Wear Smartwatches

The Google began to improve three of them in the latest version of Android Wear
The Moto 360, the LG G Watch live gear and receive the update OTA whose main changes include improved navigation (required and updated Maps on mobile) but also in me. 

The Google was giving a "major" update to Smartwatches this week, but I do not intend to be specific. 

My place to Smartwatches've mentioned many times, say briefly that I have not yet found solve a "problem", so the need remains questionable. Especially if we opsin .. poor offer moderate autonomy. 

Anyway, probably the Moto 360 remains the only comfortable than I would on my wrist (well, maybe the G Watch R). 

Waiting for a major upgrade, then this logically come within the week.

The Motorola announces the new updated Moto G

In the category of less than 200 euros, Moto G is one of the best options for Smartphone. 

The IPS display the new Moto raised in 5in T compared to 4.5 for the previous model. Also added two speakers that are remarkable for this price category. 

The main camera has been upgraded from 5MP to 8MP with fast aperture of F / 2.0, while the front and accept the change and now is 2MP. 

The first Moto T had no memory card slot, but a variant of the one we saw later (LTE model) had. The new Moto MicroSD T be "standard" socket. There are still some settings (eg, support WiFi ac) but not occupy most of the users. 

The company also highlighted the fact that the device will be upgraded to Android L, confirming something I guess judging by the last series. 

Within the new Moto T are again accompanied by the Snapdragon 400 1 GB of RAM is absolutely consistent, considering how well run Android on it. (Especially when you put your android L with ART and Volta Project). 

The price of the device is the "same" as the first Moto T in the United States ($ 179), while Motorola are at € 199 in Germany. 

Motorola Moto G - Specifications: 
OS: Android 4.4.4 KitKat, will be upgraded to Android L
CPU: quad-core Snapdragon 400
GPU: Adreno 305
DISP: 5in, 1280x720
CAM: 8MP (rear) + 2MP (front)
STOR: 8GB / 16GB + MicroSD
BATT: 2070mAh
WITH: WiFi, Bluetooth

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Tablet for professionals from Samsung

Samsung Galaxy Tab Active
Designed for professional use is the Galaxy Tab Active, presented by Samsung. 

The design has an emphasis on strength, which is considered a challenge for data professionals to meet the business environment. 

According to the company, to determine what they are looking for professionals from a portable device, organized a series of workshops with companies from Fortune 500 "The Galaxy Tab Activates designed, combining the results of the study with the information available to Samsung in the market it is the first tablet that was inspired by professionals and that is specifically designed to increase productivity "refers to the call. 

With the protective cover, the Active Galaxy Tab can withstand 1.2 m drop is water and dust resistant IP67 certified. 3,1MP autofocus camera can easily scan bar codes, while the NFC technology, the user saves time that would require additional procedures. The Samsung "C Pen" is at the top of the protective cover of the Galaxy Tab active to provide an alternative choice for professionals who use gloves, such as construction. For professionals who are constantly out of the office, the Active Galaxy Tab has long battery life, which is equivalent to 08.10 hours. However, the removable battery that gives you the ability to change with the battery charged, when necessary, to work without interruption. Moreover, the integrated charge POGO Pin prevents damage by micro-USB connection and offers the ability to charge multiple devices with a return to the office. 

The Galaxy Tab Samsung Active support for greater protection KNOX. You need security for commercial use, data and applications are stored in a safe place. 

The Samsung also offers Care Mobile, with longer warranty period of three years, which covers damage caused by an accident. In addition, the intelligent remote service active Galaxy Tab Tutor provides a quick and easy access to technical assistance so. 

The Samsung Galaxy Tab active offers several connectivity options: Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and LTE, with 16GB + microSD (up to 64GB). The device will be available in green titanium and comes with a protective cover and C-Pen. 

Other technical features include quad 1.2 GHz, eight functional WXGA Kitkat inch Android (4.4), GPS and GLONASS, LPDDR3 memory of 1.5 GB and 16 GB internal storage. Its dimensions are 126.2 x 213.1 x 9.75 mm, while the weight is 393 grams.
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